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A. 26,000
B. 34,000
C. 32,000
Federal law states that single axles are limited to 20,000 pounds, and axles spaced more than 40 inches and not more than 96 inches apart (tandem axles) are limited to 34,000 pounds.
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A. 50 feet before the draw of the bridge
B. 15 to 20 feet before the draw of the bridge
C. 5 to 10 feet before the draw of the bridge
D. 20 to 25 feet before the draw of the bridge
Stop at drawbridges that do not have a signal light or traffic control attendant. Stop at least 50 feet before the draw of the bridge. Look to make sure the draw is completely closed before crossing.
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A. The driver can move freely and easily
B. Any driver can use all exits
C. Riders are protected from falling or shifting packages
D. All answers are correct
Secure baggage and freight in ways that avoid damage and: allow the driver to move freely and easily, allow riders to exit by any window or door in an emergency, and protect riders from injury if carry-ons fall or shift.
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A. In front of the standee line
B. To stand between the fixed seats
C. Within five feet of an emergency exit
Buses designed to allow standing must have a two-inch line on the floor or some other means of showing riders where they cannot stand. This is called the standee line. All standing riders must stay behind it.
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A. ID number and hazard label
B. All answers are correct
C. Materials name
The rules require shippers to mark containers of hazardous material with the material's name, identification number, and hazard label.
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A. Humps or dips in the road
B. Off tracking on sloped curves
C. Backing on level ground
D. Driving in slippery conditions
With the low ground clearance humps or dips in the road would present more of a hazard.
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A. A
B. C
C. B
A vehicle with no articulation (Class A has articulation), weighing less than 26,001 pounds (Class B is 26,001 or more) would fall under Class C.
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A. All answers are correct
B. Talking with riders while driving
C. Fuelling your bus with riders on board
D. Towing a disabled bus
Avoid fueling your bus with riders on board unless absolutely necessary, never refuel in a closed building with riders on board, don't talk with riders or engage in any other distracting activity while driving, and do not tow or push a disabled bus with riders aboard the vehicle unless getting off would be unsafe.
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A. Accelerate hard and release the clutch quickly
B. Slowly release the clutch while releasing the parking brakes
C. Hold the foot brake until the clutch has been fully released
Releasing the clutch slowly until you feel the vehicle start to pull against the parking brake, and then releasing the parking brake should allow the vehicle to move without rolling.
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A. 250
B. 500
C. 100
A bus cannot carry more than 500 pounds total of allowed hazardous materials, and no more than 100 pounds of any one class.
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A. Turn the steering wheel away from the direction in which you want the back of the vehicle to go
B. Back toward the side opposite the driver
C. Use voice signals to communicate with a helper
D. No answer is correct
Because you cannot see everything behind your vehicle, backing is always dangerous. Avoid backing whenever you can. When you have to back, here are a few simple safety rules: start in the proper position, look at your path, use mirrors on both sides, back slowly, back and turn toward the driver's side whenever possible, and use a helper whenever possible.
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A. Turn the vehicle flashers on before crossing
B. Tap the electric horn before crossing
C. Slow down and prepare to stop if a train is approaching
D. Come to a complete stop before crossing
Stop your bus between 15 and 50 feet before railroad crossings. Listen and look in both directions for trains.
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A. Buses may carry small-arms ammunition labeled "ORM-D."
B. Many hazardous materials cannot be carried on a bus
C. ’s name, ID number, and hazard label
D. You can carry any hazardous materials on your bus as long as they are properly labeled
Buses may carry small-arms ammunition labeled ORM-D, emergency hospital supplies, and drugs that are properly labeled. You can carry small amounts of some other hazardous materials if the shipper cannot send them any other way. Most hazardous material may not be carried on a bus.
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A. drop the person off at the next scheduled stop
B. follow your carrier's guidelines for dealing with unruly passengers
C. drop the person off in a safe, well-lit public area where there are other people
D. do any of the above
Occasionally, you may have a drunk or disruptive rider. You must ensure this rider's safety as well as that of others. Don't discharge such riders where it would be unsafe for them. It may be safer at the next scheduled stop or a well-lighted area where there are other people.
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A. Aisles and stairwells should always be clear
B. The "Emergency Exit" sign on an emergency door must be clearly visible
C. All seats must be securely fastened to the bus
D. All of the above
Aisles and stairwells should always be clear. The following parts of your bus must be in safe working condition: The "Emergency Exit" sign on an emergency door must be clearly visible, the seats must be safe for riders and securely fastened to the bus, among others.
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A. collect all the valuables from the passengers
B. install cameras
C. do not allow riders on the bus until departure time
D. make frequent stops to check on the bus's interior
Charter bus drivers should not allow riders on the bus until departure time. This will help prevent theft or vandalism of the bus.
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A. start moving as soon as your passengers are loaded
B. passing vehicles must slow down and yield to the bus
C. you may assume that other drivers will leave you room
D. watch for poles and tree branches
School and mass transit buses sometimes scrape off mirrors or hit passing vehicles when pulling out from a bus stop. Remember the clearance your bus needs and watch for poles and tree limbs at stops.
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A. Fire extinguisher, spare electrical fuses, and emergency reflectors
B. Emergency reflectors, fire extinguisher, signal flares and tire repair kit
C. Hydraulic jack, fire extinguisher, signal flares
You must have a fire extinguisher 10 BC or better, spare electrical fuses, and emergency reflective triangles.
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A. Clearance your bus needs
B. All answers are correct
C. Gaps your bus needs to accelerate
D. Poles and wires
Remember the clearance your bus needs and watch for poles and tree limbs at stops.
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A. After it is certified and there are no repairs needed
B. Only if repairs are needed
C. Before you start your trip
You should only sign off on a post trip report after it is certified there are no repairs needed.
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