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A. 15 to 50 feet before a railroad crossing
B. 5 to 10 feet before a railroad crossing
C. 20 to 25 feet before a railroad crossing
D. No answers are correct
Stop your bus between 15 and 50 feet before railroad crossings. Listen and look in both directions for trains.
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A. 100
B. 150
C. 75
Passengers should be moved at least 100 feet from the bus.
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A. Sharper turns and curves
B. Greater distance between the front and rear wheels
C. All answers are correct
D. Faster speed on turns and curves
Off tracking can be changed by speed, the sharpness of the turn, and the distance between the front and rear wheels.
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A. If getting off the bus would be riskier for the riders
B. By another bus with its 4-way flashers on
C. If the distance is less than 1 mile
D. By a tow truck with a GVWR of at least 27,000 pounds
Do not tow or push a disabled bus with riders aboard the vehicle, unless getting off would be unsafe. Only tow or push the bus to the nearest safe spot to discharge passengers.
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A. Four seconds
B. One second for every 10 feet of vehicle length rounded upward
C. One second for every 10 feet of vehicle length rounded upward plus one second
One good rule says you need at least one second for each 10 feet of vehicle length at speeds below 40 mph. At greater speeds, you must add 1 second for safety.
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A. In a closed building
B. With any of the windows open
C. With a higher grade of fuel
D. Without a static chain
Avoid fueling your bus with riders on board unless absolutely necessary. Never refuel in a closed building with riders on board.
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A. On the seats
B. In the aisle
C. Behind the seats
Do not allow riders to leave carry-on baggage in a doorway or aisle. There should be nothing in the aisle that might trip other riders.
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A. Whenever the driver finds it necessary while driving
B. Only when the bus is moving at 30 MPH or less
C. Only when the bus is at a stop
Seat adjustments should only be made when the vehicle is stopped.
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A. Anywhere except on the front wheels
B. Only when the average speed will be less than 40 MPH
C. Only on the outside wheel of dual wheels
D. On any or all the wheels
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A. Only on the outside wheel of dual wheels
B. Only when the average speed will be less than 40 MPH
C. Anywhere except on the front wheels
D. On any or all the wheels
Recapped or re-grooved tires can be on any axle except the front or steer axel.
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A. Let the vehicle on the right have the right of way
B. Let whoever got there first have the right of way
C. Let the other driver have the right of way
When in doubt be courteous and allow the other driver the right of way.
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A. They drive a vehicle that is designed to carry more than nine passengers
B. They drive a vehicle that is designed to carry more than sixteen passengers including the driver
C. They drive a vehicle that has a gross weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds
You must have a CDL to operate a vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the driver.
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A. All answers are correct
B. To replace the rear door emergency buzzer
C. As a safety feature when the exit door is open
D. To replace the parking brake
Urban mass transit coaches may have a brake and accelerator interlock system. The interlock applies the brakes and holds the throttle in idle position when the rear door is open, releasing when the door is closed. Do not use this safety feature in place of the parking brake.
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A. 2/32
B. 4/32
C. 6/32
The minimum tread depth for commercial vehicles on the front or steer axel is 4/32 of an inch.
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A. Using four-way flashers to warn of danger ahead
B. All the previous answers are proper to use
C. Signaling to others that it is safe to pass your bus
D. Signaling to others that you will change lanes
Some drivers try to help out others by signaling when it is safe to pass. You should not do this. You could cause an accident. You could be blamed, and it could cost you many thousands of dollars.
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A. There is no such thing on a bus
B. A two-inch line on the floor to the rear of the driver's seat
C. A two-inch line dividing the aisle in half
Buses designed to allow standing must have a two-inch line on the floor or some other means of showing riders where they cannot stand. This is called the standee line. All standing riders must stay behind it.
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A. Rest room service
B. Destination sign
C. Service brakes
The service brake should be tested and in working order before leaving.
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A. Report any defects
B. Inspect your bus
C. Take all your personal belongings
D. All answers are correct
At the end of your shift you should do your post trip inspection, reporting any defects or repairs needed, and take all of your personal belongings.
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A. the AM/FM radio
B. the parking brake
C. the steering mechanism
D. the windshield wipers
Before you start to drive, you must check all the critical systems such as steering, brakes, tires, and emergency equipment to be sure they work properly. For the passengers' safety, you must also check such interior items as seats, handholds, railings, signaling devices, and emergency exits
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A. cross as fast as possible
B. stop at least 100 feet before the draw of the bridge
C. stop and wait for the attendant's instructions
D. slow down and make sure it's safe to proceed
You do not need to stop, but must slow down and make sure it's safe, when: there is a traffic light showing green, or the bridge has an attendant or traffic officer who controls traffic whenever the bridge opens
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