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A. The school bus is stopped because it is broken down
B. The school bus is stopped to pick up or discharge pupils
C. The school bus is stopped for a train crossing
D. The school bus is stopped for a red light
Red flashing lights on a school bus indicate that the bus is stopped to pick up or discharge students.
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A. Open windows
B. Approaching traffic
C. All the students on board
The large flat mirror hanging above the driver's head is there for them to see all of the students onboard at one time.
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A. 200 feet
B. 300 yards
C. 300 feet
D. 400 feet
If the school bus is so equipped, activate alternating flashing amber warning lights at least 200 feet or approximately 5-10 seconds before the school bus stop or in accordance with state law.
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A. Remove student from the bus immediately
B. Move student to set closer to you
C. Pull bus to the side of the road and firmly explain the rules and regulations to the unruly student
Tips on handling serious problems: stop the bus parking in a safe location off the road perhaps a parking lot or a driveway, secure the bus, take the ignition key with you if you leave your seat, stand up and speak respectfully to the offender or offenders. Speak in a courteous manner with a firm voice. Remind the offender of the expected behavior. Do not show anger but do show that you mean business.
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A. Yellow warning lights
B. Whenever the driver wants to stop traffic
C. Yellow warning and red warning lights
D. Red warning lights
Activate alternating red lights when traffic is a safe distance from the school bus and ensure stop arm is extended.
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A. No answers are correct
B. The students can only be picked up or dropped off on the resident side of the road
C. The students can be dropped off or picked up on either side of the highway
D. The students must be picked up and dropped off in the center of the road
Students could only be picked up from the resident side of the road, meaning the right side, they will not allow students to cross a major highway to get to the bus.
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A. 500 feet in advance
B. 100 feet in advance
C. 300 feet in advance
You should start to slow down at least 100 feet in advance.
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A. Whenever the bus is stopped to pick up students
B. Whenever the bus is stopped to discharge students
C. Whenever it is extremely hot outside
D. Whenever the bus is stopped at a railroad crossing
At the Crossing: Stop no closer than 15 feet and no farther than 50 feet from the nearest rail, place the transmission in Park. turn off all radios and noisy equipment, silence the passengers, and open the service door and driver's window. Look and listen for an approaching train.
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A. 200 feet behind
B. Full side of the bus and rear of bus
C. Pedestrians on the side walk on both sides of the bus
Ensure that the flat mirrors are properly adjusted so you can see: 200 feet or 4 bus lengths behind the bus, along the sides of the bus, and the rear tires touching the ground.
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A. both of the above are true
B. the emergency exit warning devices (if so equipped) are working
C. the emergency exits are undamaged, operate smoothly, and close securely from the inside
Make sure that all emergency exits are not damaged, operate smoothly, and close securely from the inside. Check that any emergency exit warning devices are working.
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A. When the driver signals that it is safe to proceed, the students should cross the street while remaining in the driver's view
B. When the driver signals that it is safe to proceed, the students should run across the street to reduce their exposure to danger
C. The driver should make a U-turn, so those students won't have to cross in front of the bus after exiting it
Wait for your signal before crossing the roadway. Upon your signal, the students should: Cross far enough in front of the school bus to be in your view.
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A. is a railroad crossing at which you don't have to stop
B. doesn't have a crossbuck sign
C. doesn't have any type of traffic control device
This type of crossing does not have any type of traffic control device. You must stop at these crossings and follow proper procedures. However, the decision to proceed rests entirely in your hands.
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A. an emergency exit
B. the battery box
C. the fuel tank
As part of your vehicle inspection test, you will have to check one emergency exit to be sure that it is undamaged, operating smoothly, and able to be closed securely from the inside. You will also have to point out the other emergency exits and describe how they operate.
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A. the front of the rear tires touching the ground
B. both of the above
C. at least one traffic lane on either side of the bus
You should position these mirrors to see: the entire side of the bus up to the mirror mounts, the front of the rear tires touching the ground, and at least one traffic lane on either side of the bus.
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A. only with the written approval of the school district
B. only if all the passengers agree to the change
C. if there is a better location nearby
You should never change the location of a bus stop without written approval from the appropriate school district official.
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A. both of the above are true
B. the battery box and cover or door are secure
C. the battery is secure, connections are tight with minimal corrosion, and cell caps are present
Wherever located, see that battery(s) are secure, connections are tight, and cell caps are present. Battery connections should not show signs of excessive corrosion.
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A. 5 feet
B. 10 feet
C. 20 feet
The danger zones may extend as much as 30 feet from the front bumper with the first 10 feet being the most dangerous, 10 feet from the left and right sides of the bus and 10 feet behind the rear bumper of the school bus.
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A. keep a strong grip on the steering wheel and try to anticipate gusts
B. tailgate a big truck so it can shield you from the wind
C. speed up to get away from the wind as quickly as possible
Strong winds affect the handling of the school bus! The side of a school bus acts like a sail on a sailboat. Strong winds can push the school bus sideways. They can even move the school bus off the road or, in extreme conditions, tip it over.
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A. every 10 seconds and more often in heavy traffic
B. in a logical sequence to ensure that a child or object is not in any of the danger zones
C. every 4 seconds
All mirrors should be viewed in a logical sequence to ensure that a child or object is not in any of the danger zones.
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A. Stop, look, and turn on the emergency flashers
B. Stop, go, and stop
C. Stop, look, and listen
At the Crossing: stop no closer than 15 feet and no farther than 50 feet from the nearest rail, place the transmission in Park, turn off all radios and noisy equipment, silence the passengers, open the service door and driver's window, and look and listen for an approaching train.
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