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A. More than .02 but less than .10 BAC
B. 10 BAC like any other driver
C. Zero Tolerance
There is a zero-tolerance policy for having alcohol in your system as the driver of a school bus.
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A. 200 feet behind the bus
B. The right front tire meeting the ground
C. The right rear tire hub
Ensure that the mirrors are properly adjusted so you can see: The entire area in front of the bus from the front bumper at ground level to a point where direct vision is possible, direct vision and mirror view vision should overlap, the right and left front tires touching the ground, and the area from the front of the bus to the service door.
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A. the antilock brake (ABS) warning light is on
B. the bus is stalled on a railroad track but there is no train in sight
C. the bus is stalled on the shoulder of a divided highway and it is getting hot inside
The driver must evacuate the bus when: the bus is on fire or there is a threat of a fire, the bus is stalled on or adjacent to a railroad highway crossing, the position of the bus may change and increase the danger, there is an imminent danger of collision, and there is a need to quickly evacuate because of a hazardous materials spill.
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A. load the students as quickly as possible
B. activate the alternating flashing amber lights
C. activate the alternating flashing red lights and ensure that the stop arm is extended
Activate alternating red lights when traffic is a safe distance from the school bus and ensure stop arm is extended.
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A. turn around and find another route
B. call your dispatcher and ask for instructions
C. proceed with extreme caution
If there is no police officer, and you believe the signal is malfunctioning, call your dispatcher to report the situation and ask for instructions on how to proceed.
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A. between 15 and 50 feet from the nearest rail
B. between 15 and 30 feet from the nearest rail
C. between 10 and 40 feet from the nearest rail
Stop no closer than 15 feet and no farther than 50 feet from the nearest rail, where you have the best view of the tracks.
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A. cross in front of the school bus
B. go home
C. walk 10 to 15 feet from the side of the school bus
Tell students to exit the bus and walk at least 10 feet away from the side of the bus to a position where the driver can plainly see all students.
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A. before entering traffic
B. after all students have entered or exited the bus
C. constantly
Monitor all mirrors continuously.
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A. At least 100 feet from the railroad crossing
B. At least 200 feet from the railroad crossing
C. At least 300 feet from the railroad crossing
Activate hazard lights approximately 200 feet before the crossing. Make sure your intentions are known.
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A. Crossing an intersection
B. At a highway railroad crossing
C. Loading and unloading students
When loading or unloading students they can be three times more likely to be injured.
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A. Tell students not to use the handrail when exiting the bus because they could get caught
B. Tell students that they can pick up any dropped objects that are not under the bus
C. Tell students to leave any dropped objects, move out of the danger zones, and get your attention to retrieve the objects
Students should be told to leave any dropped object and move to a point of safety out of the danger zones and attempt to get the driver's attention to retrieve the object.
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A. in the center
B. toward the right edge
C. toward the left edge
Move as far as possible to the right on the traveled portion of the roadway.
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A. Secure the bus, take the key, and check around and underneath the bus for the student
B. Ask other students if they saw this student
C. Look in your mirrors for the student
If you cannot account for a student outside, secure the bus, take the key, and check around and underneath the bus.
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A. When the key is turned on an ABS. light will come on and off
B. The bus will stop much slower
C. All buses equipped with ABS systems have a tag on the sun visor
Your school bus will have a yellow ABS malfunction lamp on the instrument panel if it is equipped with ABS.
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A. keep the students on the bus until first responders arrive
B. evacuate the students upwind of the bus
C. evacuate the students downwind of the bus
Lead students upwind of the bus if fire is present.
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A. No
B. Yes
The door needs to remain shut until the bus has come to a complete stop to pick up or drop off a student.
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A. 100 to 300 feet before the school bus stop
B. 20 to 50 feet before the school bus stop
C. 300 to 500 feet before the school bus stop
If the school bus is so equipped, activate alternating flashing amber warning lights at least 200 feet or approximately 5-10 seconds before the school bus stop or in accordance with state law.
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A. dirt or shoeprints on the floor
B. personal belongings that were left on the bus
C. damage or vandalism
Make sure that all emergency exits are not damaged, operate smoothly, and close securely from the inside.
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A. if the position of the bus may change and further increase the danger
B. if the bus is on fire
C. in either of the above situations
The driver must evacuate the bus when: the bus is on fire or there is a threat of a fire, the bus is stalled on or adjacent to a railroad highway crossing, the position of the bus may change and increase the danger, there is an imminent danger of collision, or there is a need to quickly evacuate because of a hazardous materials spill.
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A. Use turn signal
B. Turn on hazards
C. Turn on red warning lights
Hazard lights would be required for both the turnaround, and the railroad crossing.
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