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A. They will only be at designated crossing areas
B. Will be walking a black dog
C. Will be carrying a white cane
A white cane is typically used by the blind to help them find their way around without tripping.
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A. When stopped or parked along a road due to a breakdown
B. All answers are correct
C. When backing up or turning around
D. When approaching a railroad crossing
Four-way flashers or hazard lights are to be used at railroad crossings, when parked along the road from a breakdown, and whenever you are backing up or turning around.
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A. All answers are correct
B. Whenever the bus is picking up or discharging students
C. Whenever there is an emergency
D. Whenever the bus must stop
The red flashing lights are for picking up and discharging as student only.
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A. 1/32"
B. 2/32"
C. 4/32"
Front axle or steer axel tires must have a tread depth of at least 4/32 of an inch.
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A. Orange-yellow
B. National School Bus Glossy Yellow
C. Fluorescent yellow
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration issued guidelines to the states on pupil transportation safety. One of these guidelines is that all school buses should be painted National School Bus Glossy Yellow.
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A. The driver should check all mirrors again
B. Get off the bus and locate the student
C. Ask the other students if they have seen the missing student
Count the number of students while unloading to confirm the location of all students before pulling away from the stop. If you cannot account for a student outside the bus, secure the bus, and check around and underneath the bus.
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A. the length of the bus plus 25 feet
B. the length of the bus plus 10 feet
C. the length of the bus plus 15 feet
As a general rule, add 15 feet to the length of the school bus to determine an acceptable amount of containment or storage area.
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A. To give the mechanics something to do
B. For safety as required by federal, state, and local laws
C. To improve fuel economy
The purpose of school bus inspections is to ensure safety. A vehicle defect found during an inspection could save you problems later. Federal and state laws require drivers to inspect their vehicles.
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A. for litter on the floor
B. whether the seats are clean
C. for mechanical or operational problems
During your post-trip inspection, you should check all the mechanical and operational systems of the school bus for any problems. Immediately report any problems to your supervisor or school authorities.
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A. a six-light
B. an eight-light
C. a four-light
Federal regulations require school buses to be equipped with a warning light system. Each bus must have two flashing red lights in front and two in the rear, and optionally two flashing amber lights in front and two in the rear.
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A. 50 feet
B. 30 feet
C. 15 feet
The danger zones may extend as much as 30 feet from the front bumper with the first 10 feet being the most dangerous, 10 feet from the left and right sides of the bus and 10 feet behind the rear bumper of the school bus.
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A. check all mirrors constantly
B. do both of the above
C. activate your alternating flashing amber lights
When approaching the stop, you should: approach cautiously at a slow rate of speed; look for pedestrians, traffic, or other objects before, during, and after coming to a stop; continuously check all mirrors; activate alternating flashing amber warning lights at least 200 feet or approximately 5-10 seconds before the school bus stop or in accordance with state law.
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A. No answers are correct
B. Only one time a month can this be done
C. Only if the bus driver wants to
D. Only if the school district allows and a written note from a parent has been received
If the school district allows this, and there is a written note from the parent, then yes, the driver can discharge at another location.
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A. The schools bus mechanic and the bus driver
B. The schools bus mechanic
C. The school bus driver
D. The schools designated pre-trip inspection person
The bus driver is responsible for preforming the pre-trip inspection daily.
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A. 10
B. 15
C. 5
The danger zone is the area on all sides of the bus where children are in the most danger of being hit, either by another vehicle or their own bus. The danger zones may extend as much as 30 feet from the front bumper with the first 10 feet being the most dangerous, 10 feet from the left and right sides of the bus and 10 feet behind the rear bumper of the school bus.
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A. Dangle the radio telephone or microphone out of the driver's window for later use
B. Notify the dispatch office of the evacuation
C. Secure the bus
Secure the bus by: Placing transmission in Park, setting parking brakes, shut off the engine, remove ignition key, and activate hazard-warning lights.
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A. every 5 years
B. every 3 years
C. annually
Most states require school bus drivers to have an annual physical (including a vision test) to confirm that they are still fit to perform the duties of a school bus driver.
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A. The crossover mirrors
B. The flat mirrors
C. The convex mirrors
Crossover Mirrors are mounted on both left and right front corners of the bus. They are used to see the front bumper "danger zone" area directly in front of the bus that is not visible by direct vision.
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A. operates smoothly and closes securely from the outside
B. operates smoothly and closes securely by remote control
C. operates smoothly and closes securely from the inside
Check that the entry door is not damaged, operates smoothly, and closes securely from the inside.
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A. that no parts are missing, leaking, or damaged and the lift is fully retracted and latched
B. that the lift goes up and down smoothly
C. that no parts are missing, leaking, or damaged and the lift is at least 50% retracted
If equipped with a handicap lift, look for leaking, damaged, or missing parts and explain how lift should be checked for correct operation. Lift must be fully retracted and latched securely.
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